Hike Recap: Kilkenny Ridge Traverse

If you’re thinking of hiking a Kilkenny Ridge Traverse, maybe don’t. Just kidding. Now that it’s over I can say I had a great time, but don’t underestimate this trail. It is a TOUGH one that doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic other than moose, as evidenced by the piles of excrement roughly every […]

Hike Recap: Mount Monadnock

I have hiked Mount Monadnock once a year for the last six years. It is a wonderful hike to do to introduce your perhaps not-so-outdoorsy friends and family to the wonderful pastime that is hiking. It’s centrally located in New England. It’s not technical and it’s not overly difficult. However, you end up with excellent […]

Hike Recap: Presidential Traverse Trail

Of all of the hikes I have done, the Presidential Traverse is my piece de resistance. It’s been over a month since we did it. I still think about it every day and I am completely amazed and thankful that my body carried me through the journey. Okay, I’m done being sappy for a little […]

Hike Recap: Mount Tom, Mount Field, Mount Willey

I’ve just returned home from yet another wonderful weekend of hiking in the White Mountains! The last hike we did was the Presidential Traverse over a month ago, so I was long overdue to get my butt back up there and get some hiking in. We’ve had a lot going on this summer so we’ve […]