About The Hungry Hungry Hiker

Hello and welcome to The Hungry Hungry Hiker! My name is Victoria and I am the face and voice behind this blog. I’ve been eating food for going on thirty years now and I’ve been hiking almost as long. Connecticut born and raised, I still live and work here however I escape as often as possible to hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire or the Adirondacks of New York (and everything in between!). When I’m home I’m in the kitchen concocting new meals for myself and my boyfriend of four years, Mike. I spend so much time in the kitchen that he often has to physically remove me and make me rest on the couch for a little while. We all have our hobbies, right?

I am fortunate in that I currently have no real food allergies. I do notice that I feel better when I don’t eat certain foods. I’m learning more and more what’s on my personal no-fly list, so I enjoy creating meals omitting those ingredients. I notice I feel the best when I’m eating a primarily paleo and Whole30 diet, so that is most of what you will be seeing here for recipes on my blog. However, I have fully embraced the “food freedom” concept that Whole30 promotes so heavily. I’ve decided that, for the foreseeable future anyway, while this blog will focus mostly on paleo and Whole30 recipes, maybe it won’t always strictly be that. I don’t need to be told that rice isn’t paleo, thank you. Rice doesn’t bother me and I will eat it when I please. You can’t honestly tell me that cauliflower rice tastes just as good anyway. Rubbish! And my Polish roots demand that I eat white potatoes whenever I want, so I probably eat more of those than the normal American. But it works for me, so rice and white potatoes whenever I want for the win!

No matter your food preferences, I hope you find something that you love here. Life is too short to eat crappy food, and to put crappy food into your body. On that note…I will try as hard as possible to refrain from demanding that you buy only organic food to cook my recipes. Although I choose to buy completely organic whenever possible, I think it sometimes comes across as a bit pretentious when you read a blog and the author guilt trips you into buying the most expensive ingredients possible to make their recipes. This is real life over here, and life is expensive. At this point in my life I don’t have many other expenditures, so I choose to spend my money on high quality food. But I encourage you to do your own research. Look into it. Buy the organic food if you want it, or don’t if you don’t. Make the best decisions for you and your family. It’s all good here and there’s no guilt one way or the other.

In closing, I’m so happy that you have taken a few minutes out of your day to read a little bit about my take on healthy eating and being active in the great outdoors. I hope you make one (or more!) of my recipes. And I hope even more that we cross paths on a trail someday! Happy trails and happy cooking, friends!