Chocolate Cookie Bomb Sundaes

Around this time last year, I attempted to make hot chocolate bombs from scratch because I thought it would be a piece of cake and I would save myself a ton of money by making them myself. Have you finished laughing at me yet? I don’t think my kitchen has ever humbled me any faster […]

Orange Creamsicle Smoothies

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate citrus season? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that citrus fruit is the best part of winter. There’s nothing quite like biting into a sweet, juicy orange to really brighten up those cold, drab, dreary winter days. Right? Right. I’ve been […]

Overnight Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie

When I made this recipe for the first time a few weeks back, I made Mike taste it and he immediately asked me if I could just make a big vat of this every single week for him. So, this smoothie recipe is a good one in case you needed me to interpret Mike speak […]

Iced Pumpkin Spice Lattes

October starts tomorrow so WELCOME TO PUMPKIN SEASON BABY. Ehhhh who am I kidding, every day of the year is pumpkin season in my heart, mind, and belly. Now, don’t get upset that this is a recipe for lattes but there is absolutely no coffee anywhere in sight. It’s no mistake. But I detest coffee […]

Vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

As promised, fall recipes are here! No more Popsicle recipes for the foreseeable future. I’m not sad to see summer go, but I am sad that it’s no longer socially acceptable to post Popsicle recipes. Bummer. See ya next spring, tasty Popsicle recipes! When it comes to fall inspired baked goods, are you on team […]

Cinnamon Crunch Popsicles

I know we’re all ready to dive head first into all fall everything. And that’s coming (later this week), I promise. But first? Popsicles. Because the time for Popsicles is now, when it’s still 80 degrees outside and you need something delicious and fast and (somewhat) healthy to feed the kids as they file into […]

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Oatmeal Balls

I made this recipe last week using two ingredients you probably aren’t used to seeing on this food blog: oats and peanut butter. Gasp! Since I used oats and peanut butter, this recipe is neither Whole30 nor paleo! But I’ll tell you why I did this if you want to hang around. On hiking and […]

Blueberry Cheesecake Popsicles

Temperatures are supposed to be in the 80’s all week long here in Connecticut. I’m not ready for this kind of weather this early in the year. Yes, I know it happens this early every single year, but that still doesn’t mean I’m ready for it or I welcome it. In my old age I […]

Almond Cherry Smoothie Bowl

Spring has officially SPRUNG here in Connecticut. I know because all of the pretty trees in my apartment complex are blooming and it’s such a lovely sight to see. Why can’t the trees keep their flowers for longer than .5 seconds? It’s really such a bummer. Especially since we all knows what immediately follows flowering […]

Vegan Triple Chocolate Chip Contest Cookies

Earlier this week I was scrolling Instagram at work (hey, we all need to take breaks sometimes, right?) and I saw a post from Enjoy Life Foods. The post was an announcement for a recipe contest! I immediately got super excited, because if there are two things I love in this world, it’s chocolate and […]